A few weeks ago after dealing with Katie constantly climbing in and out of her crib and destroying her room at naptime, we decided it was time for Katie to graduate to a big girl bed. We had tried several months ago to switch Katie from crib to toddler bed, but she wasn't ready yet, she wouldn't sleep and would run to the door crying after us. We probably gave up to easily, but we were tired and she looked so cramped in the toddler bed, she liked to curl up in a corner and looked so uncomfortable and the bed seemed so tiny! I know it is the same size as a crib, but it just seemed silly. I don't know why, Nicole and Cass both transitioned seamlessly into toddler beds at eighteen months old each and I didn't have a problem then, but anyways we just decided to put her crib back up and return the toddler bed and it worked, she slept like a charm for many months, up until a few weeks ago. So we had both agreed when she was ready we would go straight to a twin bed. We spent the day bed shopping all day and I being impatient and overly anxious, did not want to wait for a bed to be delievered or to come from the wharehouse, so we actually went a "cheap" route and bought a mattress set, frame and headboard at Talsmas. They stayed open a little later for us to come back, minus Katie and pick it up. While this is not the pretty bed of my dreams for little Katie, it will do for now, until we buy a bedroom set. She had dark cherry wood furniture so it totally doesn't match, it is white, but that ok, it is temporary. Being impatient I had to pick up some cute quilts and bedding at Target. So the Pottery Barn stuff will come later. Hey, it gives me time to wait for the perfect bedding and a sale! I snapped a few pictures of her room prior to putting her new bed together with the crib still ( Katie had made quit a mess, so it's not quite as cutesy as I had it before, she took alot of her things out and threw them all over etc). I am going to continue this post later and take pictures with the bed(she is actually napping right now) . For now here is the old crib.
Finally! I have posted pictures of Katie's new bed. Everyday is a challenge, Katie moves bookcases(how can a 26 lb two year old do this???), removes everybook and bookjacket, every toy from every bin, every stuffed animal, ALL the clothes out of her drawers etc!! I have found her stuck in shelves a few times. She is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are trying really hard to have her pick up her toys with our help and we have removed the bookcase from her room. She is definately the most wild and destructive one out of our three!!!!!!! We love her to pieces but the messes are something else!!! So if the room doesn't look all fancy pants like out of a catalog, it is because I am too tired to clean it more!!!!! It used to look neater I swear!!!!!!!!!!