Thursday, November 6, 2008

Grandpa and Grandma

Last night Nicole had a concert at her school. She plays the violin in the high school orchestra. The concert was wonderful, very colorful and entertaining and including the Jazz band, Orchestra and the EK Marching Band. Katie was amazing at the girls twirling their flags and danced to the music.I wish I could have taken pictures but they weren't allowed, but I snapped a few afterwards with Grandpa and Grandma and the girls(as you can see it took a few trys) and I just wanted to put them up here, since we don't have a ton of pictures with them and we were happy they could come to the concert. We all enjoyed it so much!

Leaves, Leaves and more Leaves!!!

The past couple of days the girls have been having a great time playing and raking the leaves in the backyard. The weather has been so beautiful, even though I haven't been feeling well. I had to get out a little bit and take some pictures. I just couldn't resist! Oh, to be a kid again!

Halloween Night

We love going out Trick Or Treating on Halloween. This year we had some new challenges though, it isn't always easy trying to coordinate a teenager, toddler and a ten year old. Katie is easy still, lol, but the older two they want to Trick or Treat with their friends now. So in making an effort to please everyone, we first went on our block with Cassie, Cheyenne, Katie and Nicole, then we dropped Nicole off to Trick or Treat with her best friend Hailey and lastly Mike and I met Nancy Cheyenne's Mom and went Trick or Treating with her and the girls, until Katie tired out and was ready to go home and Cass was able to continue on without us. It actually worked out very well and everyone had a good time. Katie was tired at first, since she had just woken up from a late nap,but once she got the hang of it at the third house, she was ready to go and chasing after the older girls, yelling "Wait Cassie!". She especially loved the suckers she recieved.

Cassie's Class Party

Last Friday on Halloween was Cassie's very last Halloween Party and parade at Endeavor. Next fall she moves on to Pinewood Middle School. This is a bittersweet time for me. Cassie was the baby of the family for a long time until Katie came along and I guess I still see her as a little girl, even though she is growing up. Cassie still loves playing American Girl dolls, pretend school, Littlest Pet Shop toys and Webkinz. I just want to hold on to this last Elementary year and make it last forever, but I know that is not possible. Before I know it I will be revisiting these times with Katie.

Katie loved seeing Cassie at school and wanted to sit on her lap, when she wasn't running all around and eating Donuts.

We had alot of fun and will miss these parties.